Narrative essay
Narrative Essay – 2000 words
Throughout this unit, we have been exploring the different ways that stories can be part of our community development work. We have examined how stories and narrative practice can be used in community work. We have looked at stories of communities; what stories are told about them, what stories communities tell about themselves, and how community development work might encourage communities to change their story.
This essay looks deeper at the different roles that stories can play in communities. Write a narrative essay, telling a story about community change.
You may like to tell a story of community change that you have experienced, or you could research a community that has been through change and tell the story of that process.
This essay asks you to:
o Write about the context/ community development setting of your story
o Connect your story to unit concepts and unit references
o Include a minimum of six references, both from the unit readings and your own research
o Use a simple essay structure (introduction, discussion and conclusion)
o Show the role that story can play in community work
A narrative essay follows the same structure as a traditional academic essay, but usually has a different tone to the writing. Sometimes this is described as being a conversational tone to distinguish it from the formality of a formal essay. However, you still need to write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Some of the readings we have used during the semester use a narrative approach, at least in part, and we will point you to useful examples.
These links may be helpful in preparing your assignment:
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